Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Limb and the Weapon Go Arm-in-Arm

ARM      AMaH        Aleph-Mem-Hey
AMAH ______רמח________[RM-KH]
ROOTS: 1)  The lexicographers lack the intuition and Semitic to connect ARM and ARMS (weapons).

The anatomical ARM is credited to a make-believe, over-stretched  IE "root" ar (to join, fit together).  The martial ARMS are traced to Latin arma, weapons and tools (cited at ARMOIRE); armameata, tools (source of ARMAMENT) and armāre, to arm (seen in ARMATURE).

Because the Romans  lacked an  R-M anatomical ARM term, must we ignore the near-universal human equation of arms and hands with tools and strength.

Unnoticed was Latin rāmus, branch – seen in RAMOSE (having many branches).

Our first tools and weapons were branches, limbs… as in arms.
English doesn't make the arm/tree- limb connection as clearly as German, where arm means a branch or beam, as well as the human limb below the shoulder.  In Portuguese  galho is an anatomical "arm" word that also means limb, branch, limb and offshoot, while ramal means branch, extension and arm.  Our first hunting tools and weapons were sharpened tree limbs to RAM and to hurl spears at prey.

In Edenic רמה  RaMaH is to hurl or cast (Exodus 15:1), to shoot arrows in Jeremiah 4:29.  רמח  RoaMa[K]H is a spear or lance (Numbers 25:7). E-Word entries to see are "LANCE" and "RAM."

2)  If one can discard the M in ARM with the IE "root" ar (to join, fit together), then one can just as easily trash the R as an extra liquid.   A(R)M  could derive from אמה  AMaH (forearm, arm-length, cubit - Genesis 6:15). New Englanders hear no R in ARM.
BRANCHES:   RAMIFICATION, RAMIFORM and RAMIFY are also from Latin rāmus, branch.  "ARM" is rámě in Czech, "arm" in Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish, and  armur in Icelandic. 

 The human "ARM," in Germanic, was weaponized.

As usual there are many ways for a culture to think "arm" besides an R-M branch-weapon – though the only human language program for such thinking is Edenic.

 Slavic words for the anatomical arm are much like Russian reka. They are thinking "reach" – see "REACH." Variants do not stray further than Latvian roka and the nasalized Lithuanian ramka – unless this is a throwback to the רמח  RoaMa[K]H (spear or lance).

Other "arm" words are at "CANE" --  קנה QaNeH, as this word for both the main shaft or trunk, and an offshoot  also makes a fine a human branch or limb.  קנה QaNeH in an "arm" of a candlestick, etc., but  in Job 31:22 it is a human arm.  An arm in Lao is ແຂນ  aekhn, and K̄hæn  in Thai (both an M132 metathesis) .   So   קנה QaNeH   can be  the source of the Italian leg,  gamba, and the American slang for leg, GAM, after shifts of the guttural and nasal.  French jambe is leg or stilt; the Navajo arm in gaan; Swahili arm, trunk is mkono (still a limb). [JM] . Fernado Aedo adds that the word extends into Bantu dialects like Kutu and Dawida. Similarly,  Nyamwezi m'kon or makon is an arm.

A fourth popular "arm" word is a break-off, outgrowth or joint seen at "BREAK." The Welsh arm is braich.  This is similar to the body's other flexible flier, the ברך  BeReKH, knee. Nasazilations bring us back to the BRANCH, or the branches of the trachea: the BRONCHAI. The  Latin arm is bráchium. To equip with weapons, to ARM, in Latin is  armo.

A fifth set of "arm"  words involves P-R "spreading out (from the trunk)" Edenic etymons, both with a dentasl and a fricative ending… from both פרד  PaRahD (separating) and        פרשPaRaS (spread out). There is  Greek μπράτσο brátso, as well as the more familiar French bras (arm), whence the entry "BRASSIER, or Spanish brazo (whence Tagalog braso.) See "SPREAD" and "PLAZA."
2. Reverse vowel-Mem to Mem-vowel.     מי   MaY can mean "from out of; "besides" or "part of";   אמה AMA is also a base, pedestal or maid-servant (Exodus 23:12) . The arm can be seen as our maid-servant, fetching things we need.
2013  E-Word Digital Dict. (1200 pgs of data); The Origin of Speeches( Edenics theory) :
Previous musical slideshow: German-from-Edenic. 1000 + links to the Semitic Proto-Earth language.:   2nd ed. of THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES  lightcatcherbooks   Archived posts; Edenics searches, web games, short posts from Twiiter::  Following isaac mozeson on Facebook presents an interactive forum.
Edenics DVDs. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program, see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger. youtube: v=glWG3coAtEg