Thursday, July 25, 2013


TAGALOG (Philippines) – Edenic

Most Tagalog words are initially from Chinese (C), Dravidian (D), English (E), Indonesian (I) or Spanish (S). These will be indicated, if known, with a B (borrowing, see below)  before the ultimate origin (<) in Edenic is given.
 Thesis: It is not proposed that Tagalog and its various sources come directly from Biblical Hebrew, "Edenic," but that the ultimate source of all languages is the Proto-Earth we shall call Edenic.
Key to romanized Hebrew: Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.
Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Betב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel  ג= G,
 Dalet = ד D, Hey  ה= H, Vav  ו= V, OO or OA, Zayinז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט  = DT, Yod  י= Y, Kahf כ,ך K, Khaf = KH, Lamed  ל= L, Memמ,ם  = M, Noonנ = N, Samekh  ס= $, Ayin  ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL]
 or GH, Peyפ,ף  = P, Phey = PH or F,  Zaddi  צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European),
 Koof  ק= Q,  Raish  ר= R or WR, Shin  ש= SH, Sin = S, Tahf   ת= T, TH, or (S)
       <  = ultimatey from
ß  The Tagalog reverses the Edenic
B   the term is borrowed and not native
M a metahesis of the Edenic.  An M132 metathesis means that the Tagalog word uses the first, third then second Edenic root letter.
N   the Edenic source has been nasalized with an extra M or N.
Letter Shifts:   S-B  a shift in bilabials (B,F,P,V,W), 
S-G  shift in gutturals (hard C,G,H,K,Q), 
S-D  shift in dentals (D,T),   S-L shift  in liquids (L,R) ,
S-N shift  in nasals M,N), S-F  shift  in fricatives or sibilants (soft C, S, SH, Z)  
 --  all vowels interchange.  Unbolded  and lower-case letters are not in the root.
Key: English meaning -- Tagalog word – B borrowed from an initial source— other letter-keyed directions to get to the ultimate Edenic source (4 lines down).

 Ankle   bukung-bukong<  N  ß  S-G  S-B  עקב   GHaQaiBH, heel, hoof    

Butterfly  paruparo, paparo  < פרפר PiRPaiR, to twitch, flutter,
     whence New Hebrewפרפר    PaRPahR, butterfly  “PYRALID”

CARABAO (water buffalo, kerbau in Malay)  <   M231  בקר   BaQaR, 
    cattle       "BUCKAROO"

Child  1. anak <     יונקYoNaiQ, suckling, child   "YOUNG"
           2. bata <    BahT, daughter, child   "FETUS"
Clouds  alapaap< S-L  S-B      עריף   [A]ReeYPH, sky   "ROOF"

Cow   baka <  בקר    BaQaR, cattle ( see CARABOU)
Crush  durugin<   S-G    דרך DaRahKH is to press down, tread down as the  
    crushing of   grapes in a wine-press (Nehemiah 13:15)   "DRUG"

Cry out  lya<   ß   S-L     קרא QaRAh  ,   to read aloud,  cry or call out

Dad    tatay <  S-D דוד DOAD , uncle, any beloved male relative,
     as דודי DOADeeY  "my beloved " ( Songs 1:8); 
     ידיד   YiDeeYD, friend   "DAD"
Day   araw<  M312    אורOWR, light   "AURA"

Dirt   dumiאדמה ADaMaH, earth, ground    "MUD"

Enter   pasok <   פסח  Pe$aK[H], entrance-way   "PASSAGE"
                         [ Ryan Tinte Dizon]

Expense gastos  <    S-G   חוץ   K[H]OOTS, outgoing   “COST”
  The Basque word for expense is gastu.

Eye   mata   B-I  < ß     תמונה     TiMOONaH, picture  ;  S-D  
      דמה    DaMaH., to look like, and דמות  DiMooT, image    "DUMMY¨

Father   ama <  מי  MaY, from…as in a parent    "MAMA"

Genuine   tunay  <  ß   S-N אמתי    AMeeTeeY, genuine, authentic 
   “ETYMOLOGY”     see True

Happy    masaya  <  M213  שמיח    SaMaYa[K]H, happy "SMUG"

High   alta  B-S    < ß     תלל   TaLaL, high   “TALL”

Hold, grasp   kapit  M132   S-B  חטף    K[H]aDTaPH, to catch, snatch;
       קטף     QaDTaPH      (pluck)   "HUNT"

Home;  to dwell   tahanan מחנה  Ma[K]HaNeH, a camp;   חנה   [K]aNeH, to encamp,    settle down to stay   "HAUNT"

Illness, pain   sakit  < M231  S-F    צוקה    TSOOQaH trouble and distress

Joy  ligaya   <   M312       גיל     GeeYLaH,  joy    "GALA"

Judge  hukom <     חכם [K]HaKHaM, wise man  "ACUMEN
(Arabic: doctor; Jewish (Sefardic):  rabbi ; Chaldean: magician)

King   hari      < ß     רעה  RoaGHeH, shepherd (source of many  'King"
    words)  "REICH"

Liquor   alak <   B-I  Arabic arak is fruit juice.  In Modern Hebrew,  and
    throughout the Middle East Arak is liquor

Moon  buwan <  לבנה  LeBHaNaH, moon  “ ALBINO:

Neck leeg, liig  < ß        עול  GHOAL (collar, yoke) see many Ayin-Lamed
    neck words at "COLLAR¨

Pain  see:  Illness,  Sick  see:  Illness

River ilog      <  ß  S-G   stream is   נחל  Na[K]HaL    “CATSKILL

Shoulder  balikat  <    B-M  +L,  M231, S-B  כתף    KaTaiF, shoulder  

Sky  alapaap    <  S-L     עריף [A]ReeYPH, sky  "ROOF"

Stomach  tiyan  <   בטן   BeDTeN, stomach  "VENTRICLE"

Sun araw   >  M312  אור  OWR, light "AURA"

Sweet  1. asukal  <  S-F  S-L שכר   SHeYKHaR fermented drink (natural
     sugar) “SUGAR”;  2. dulse B-S dulce is originally a DLK word
     < M132   דקל DeKeL, date palm…dates were the first sweetener 
     “DELICATESSEN”; 3. tamis < טעים   DT[A]’eeM, tasty “MUSK”

 Tired   hupo'   >   עיף [A]YePH, tired  "IOWA"
True, correct    tama   < ß  אמת    EMeT, true  “ETYMOLOGY”
    see Genuine
 Virgin birhen <בר   BaR, pure “PURE”
(Water)falls is talon in Tagalog (Philippines) <  ß  S-L S-D רד   RaiD
 Weight  bigat  < S-B  S-G  S-D      כבד  KoBHeD, weight  [HEFT]
Whale balyena   B-S ballena, whale    (Latin)   <  בלע BaL[A]h to swallow
     whole (a whale’s baleen over its huge mouth to  swallow plankton)   
Window bintana      N. [extra N] < הביט     HeeBeeYDT (to look at)
World  mundo  B Spanish <  ß  N.   אדמה    ADaMaH, land   “MUD”
2013  E-Word Digital Dict. (1200 pgs of data); The Origin of Speeches( Edenics theory) :
Previous musical slideshow: German-from-Edenic. 1000 + links to the Semitic Proto-Earth language.:   2nd ed. of THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES  lightcatcherbooks   Archived posts; Edenics searches, web games, short posts from Twiiter::  Following isaac mozeson on Facebook presents an interactive forum.
Edenics DVDs. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program, see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger. youtube: v=glWG3coAtEg