Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mother Hebrew Asks: How Do You Like Your Eggs ?


Many people new to Edenics try to find foreign words by looking up the equivalent word in a Hebrew dictionary.  Maybe they will keep the letter shifts in mind, or even look for a change in the sequence of the letter/sounds.

But it is not usually that easy.   If it were, Edenics would have been established centuries before Google Translate. We DO have some impressive collections of way/road words from DeReKH (DIRECTION), etc.  But it soon becomes painfully obvious to the quick Edenics panner for gold that every  Edenic word did not simply undergo variations.   

However you perceive of the neuro-linguistic disturbance that broke up the pre-Shinar/Sumer/”Babel language of Eden, it becomes clear that different cultures entirely, not simply dialects, were created.

In the example below, we will see how mechanically-minded peoples looked at an egg, and saw something round.  Others considered the immediate source of this edible commodity, and named the egg for its source: fowl.   Still others reached into reproductive biology, and named the egg as a womb-like creator.


A follow-up essay will use still more categories of perception, and less familiar languages.    The bottom line is that whatever that culture came up with to name X, they were thinking in homo sapiens only language program: Edenic.


The  E-Word Digital Dictionary entry:



EGG        [E]eGOOL      Ayin-Gimel-Vav-Lamed   


ROOTS:   The half-boiled IE “root” of EGG is awi (bird).  The AHD doesn’t explain the alchemy that allows an egg to be pulled out of  a vowel-bilabial root.  For the actual avian source of the cognates of EGG at awi, see “AVIATE.”    

עגול   [E]eGOOL is a circle (I Kings 7:23).   עג [A]hG , Ayin-Gimel, is to make a circle.  No strains of sound or sense is required to see how the round egg came from  ע-ג  Ayin-Gimel.

For words from the guttural  ע Ayin with ג-ל   Gimel-Lamed – see “CYCLE.”


BRANCHES: Rounding out some more languages/cultures who saw the EGG (identical in Icelandic and Norwegian) as something round: the Swedish is ägg and the Danish is æg .  Greek “egg” is av̱gó.  In Slavic: Belarusian egg is jajka,  and the Polish jajko.

Korean dalgyal might be another עגול   [E]eGOOL (round) derivative, despite the first letters, since the word means “ball” and “berry, ” not just “egg.”

What came first? The chicken or the egg? Several peoples were thinking “fowl” when they coined an “egg” word.  עוף Ayin-Vav-Phey (fowl) is the less descriptive but entirely logical source of French oeuf, Galician ovo, Irish ubh, Italian uovo, Latin ovum, Spanish huevo and Portuguese ovo  – see “AVIATE.” “Egg” is  güevu (using the guttural Ayin in  עוף ) in  Asturian, a Romance language of Asturias, Spain.  This Edenic etymon (source word) is more thoughtful, considering the egg in time (as with OVUM or OVULE), not merely in space.

Maltese bajd (egg)  should be from Arabic baydah (egg).  But “egg” words in Albanian vezë, Czech vejce  and Slovak vajcia are channeling  the word that Hebrew uses for “egg:” ביצה   BaYTSaH (see “FETUS.”)  Also thinking “womb,” the reversed Basque  arrautza (egg) and maybe “egg” words where the Resh/R has been dropped, like Bulgarian yaĭtse,  Hungarian tojás (M213), and Russian yaytso and Ukrainian yay̆tse may be from  יוצר YoTSeR, creator, like the Greek womb at “HYSTERIA.”  Not a scrambled egg (bird’s external womb) but a scrambled Edenic womb is the key to finding out why an egg in Mapuche (isolate of Chile) is called kuram. Mupache kuram , egg   <  M213   רחם  ReK[H]eM, womb.

Returning full circle to the circular English egg,  Gur is a circle or ring in Sumerian.  Perhaps in Sumer they delivered eggs to market with that new invention the  גלגל GaGaL (wheel – Isaiah 28:28).  For more West European egg words, also named for the egg layers, see “AVIATE” and “OVA.”

Igel is the German hedgehog.  It is the animal that rolls into a ball when attacked, a tactic behind the “hedgehog defence” in warfare. More round G-L/G-R words at “GYRE>”

A HELIX is a spiral, or anything twisted or rolled, even things not that HELICAL like a HELICON or a HELICOPTER.   HELIX is an M132 of  עגול  {E]GOAL, round.  Italian  e’lica is a helix.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            www.edenics.org

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson