Monday, July 11, 2011

Parental advisory: This Post Has Too Many NYMPHS


NY(M)PHET       NOePHeT       Noon-Aleph-Phey-Tahf

No-EFF-ette             נאפת          _ [N-PH + M = N-M-PH]

ROOTS: NYMPH (minor nature goddesses, lovely young woman) and NYMPHET (sexually attractive girl) is from Greek numphe (nymph, bride), which is allegedly from the reconstructed Indo-European (IE( “root” sneubh (to marry).


נאוף NeeOOPH (adultery, idolatry - Hosea 2:4; Jeremiah 3:9); נואף NoaAyPH and   נאפת NoaEPHeT means male and female adulterer or harlot (Leviticus 20:10).  The נ-א-פ Noon-Aleph-Phey term of sexy young things is nasalized with an extra M.  Even the fantasy IE "root" requires adding that nasalized M.


   נאוה N’AhVaH means beautiful (Jeremiah 6:2), and woman (Psalms 68:13).  See “FAN” for N-F beauty that extends from scenery to an ancient vamp named NEFRETITI.


The חנף  K[H]a NeF, (impious flatterer, seducer )  adds to the unsavory  aspect of  נ-ף  Noon-Phey people. The double-root of this needy personality is unpacked below.


The built-in synonym by reversal is פנה  PaNaH, turn to (Leviticus 19:4).  Obviously the text here is prohibiting veneration and regard for idols, not merely the "pointing towards" in the "POINT" entry.

 The  פ-נ Pey-Noon of turning to something with indulgent desire is seen in the sub-root of    פנג PaNahG (to indulge, pamper, tender, savory, even "sweetcake" in Ezekiel 27:17 ) and  פנק  PaNaiQ (treated with affection, indulged in -- Aramaic-Syriac)… source of FINICKY.



BRANCHES: Given cognates include CONNUBIAL, NUBILE and NUPTIAL. Again Western culture is associating marriage with sexual desire.  In Hebrew culture there is an "erotic" tie-in to a word for engagement, but not for marriage. See "EROS."


 Note the identical feminine suffix, English -ET and  Edenic Tahf / -eT in the captioned terms above. 


NYMPHOMANIA (excessive sexual desire in women) infers a less pristine etymon than the Greek bride.

(Please note that I did not detract from the dignity of these posts with a phrase like, "big fat Greek bride.")


The Japanese ninfu (nymph) should be a borrowing, but bijin (pretty girl) reverses to a fineנ-ף    Noon-Phey derivative.   A nasalized, reverse of the פ-נ

Phey-Noon root of pointing towards and desiring, of partiality,  appears to be directing the lust here – see “POINT.”  Perhaps this is why PINING for, or possible PANTING after (desire, yearning for) sounds like POINT.


Slavic mistresses are often P-N objects of desire, like the Czech pani and the poini in Lithuanian.


Reversing to N-P, חנף  K[H]aNaPH is the flattery and fawning of a sycophant who craves favor.    ח-נ-ף        Het-Noon-Phey could be broken down thusly:   חן

Het-Noon is grace or favor; נ-ף    Noon-Phey is the root of "panting after" that drives this entry.


 Reversed to  פ-נ  Phey-Noon, this better addresses the “phant ” of SYCOPHANT.  Dictionaries trace this element to Greek phainein, to show  (from פנים  PaNiM, visage) in the belief that sycophant meant a “fig shower.”

(Please do not laugh at Semitically-challenged etymologies. Remember that these are sincere scholars doing the best they can under the limitations of their fanatic devotion to Eurocentrism.)


 For P-N visibility, see “PANE.”

More bilabial-nasal, nasal-bilabial lust at “BONNY.”

Reversing נ-ף   Noon-Phey to a bilabial-nasal of VENAL desires leads us to words that the American Heritage Dictionary files under the "root" wen -1  (to desire, strive for).   These include VENERATE, VENEREAL, VENERY, VENISON, VENUS, WEN, WIN, WINSOME and WONT.


 VENOM is there too, allegedly from a Latin word for love potion.  (So beware, love could be fatal.) 

 WANT and VEND are not here, but perhaps they could be.

The AHD does cite Sanskrit vanijah, merchant, as one desiring profit. (Sanskrit is Indo-European).

World cognates like Filipino punyagi (desire) or Korean won (desire) are not wanted

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson