Monday, March 28, 2011

An AXE to Grind About the Indo-Aryan HATCHET Job on Etymology

A reviewer suggested that there's too much conspiracy theory in my language theory.
Firstly, Edenics is NOT MINE.  Our team is merely documenting Genesis 11.

Secondly, one can't simply excuse the dictionary etymology writers as being too stupid or lazy to care if there is a word source older than the Greek, Latin or Germanic... or the Great White Hope of concocted Indo-European "roots."  This White Power wet dream was once known as Indo-Aryan.  Does "Aryan" ring a bell?  Maybe an ALARM bell?

Things DID get a bit personal when graduate linguistics professors laughed in my face.
Then later when Noam Chomsky and others printed and posted fabricated, absurd etymologies that they claimed that I wrote.

As a great man (since murdered) once said:
"Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean that I'm not being followed."

Are there any cover ups between the covers of our hallowed reference books. Today's new entry makes a case. See what you feel.

the entry:


AXE       K[H]aTS(eeYN)        Het-Tsadi-Yod-Noon

Year-RAH___ חצין___[K[H]-A-TS àAKTS à AX]

ROOTS:   The most basic implement, the AXE, surely has an Indo-European origin, hopes the AHD, with their reconstructed IE root agwesi.  Old English aex is traced to the Germanic.

חצי  [K]HaTSeeY means half (Exodus 24:6).  The light arrow,   חץ [K]HaiTS (Genesis 49:23 -- see “HASTATE”),  and the heavy   חצין   K[H]aTSeeYN (ax ) splits things.  This AX word is not in the Hebrew Bible, but it is confirmed as ancient by the Aramaic above and by Akkadian hassinu  (ax).

Greek axine is too obviously borrowed from Semitic to be comfortably displayed as the immediate source of Latin ascia and Gothic aqizi.  Yes, Brumhilda, Gothic is Germanic.


BRANCHES:  Other Germanic "axe" words do not resemble  agwesi: Danish  økse , Norwegian øks   and Swedish yxa.

There are other Biblical words for axe, and there are countless ways to think "axe."

Estonian, Finnish (kirves) ,  Latvian and Lithuanian (kirvis) use  חרב K[H]eRe(V), sword -- see "HARPOON."

French hache and Spanish hacha, from  הכה HaKeH (strike ! Numbers 22:6, infinitive at "NOXIOUS") , are not considering the implement as much as the HACKING of their HATCHET job.

In contrast, Romanians and Russians (topor topor) are thinking ahead to the severed pieces they are making; an M312  reveals פרט PaRaDT and  פרד PaRahD (see "PART").

To a Filipino the axe is making sections or fractions, not parts; palako (axe) echos פלח  PHeLahK[H] (section -- see "FLAKE") or several bilabial-liquid-gutturals at "BREAK."

 It is predictable that many such words will have the guttural-dental ring of "cut" (see "CUT"), and that Asian words will reverse these. The Korean axe is dokki dokki   도끼 .

Maybe I returned to the Galilee too soon.  Space heaters keep me from trying to type with gloves on.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson