Friday, March 18, 2011



... or EMeTology, since Edenic is אמת  EMeT (true), and Greek etmos (truth), the etymology of ETYMOLOGY,  got confused after The Tower of Babel.
The new entry:


(AB)SOLUTE   ZOOLaT    Zayin-Vav-Lamed-Tahf

ZOO-LUTT_________  זולת_____    __[ZLT à SLT]

ROOTS:  ABSOLUTE, even with vodka, means unmixed, exclusive and independent.

The Eurocentric dictionary etymologies offer us ABSOLUTE fiction.  Latin absolūtus  is alleged to be a past participle of absolvere,  to absolve (a logical stretch), from prefix ab- ab-  + solū-  loosen +  the past participle suffix -tus .

For a less loose source of ABSOLVE or SOLVE, see  a reversed    של SHahL (loosen!) at the “LOOSE” entry. 

זולת ZOOLaS or ZOOLaT means "except" or "save only." 

The adverb form in Deuteronomy 1:36 or  Deuteronomy 4:12   ("exclusively;" "nothing but") is זולתי   ZOOLaTeeY.  Harkavy has זולה ZOOLaH meaning “separation…only.” 

 סלה$eLaH ("selah") is a musical instruction in Psalms indicating a pause, an ISOLATION, or even a musical SOLO in an otherwise chorus-sung Temple composition.

  שלSHeL (belonging to) is also a term of fricative-liquid  (S-L) exclusivity.

More at the “SOLITARY” entry.


BRANCHES:  Absolut is actually Swedish.   But ABSOLUTELY the best vodka drinkers know this word as абсолютный absolyutniy (Russian).
 St. Patrick’s Day makes Purim look like Prohibition Day.

Happy Purim; drink responsibly.

The new, Hebrew-added edition of the larger book:
THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES is now available via

Archived posts, Edenics searches + web games:    Edenics DVDs,
  Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson