Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hacer En Cielo (Made in Heaven, a sneak preview)

To a first draft of a very different rendition of בראשית Genesis ("From the Beginning," perhaps ready by 2013) I add the verses below.

I will be adding words from many languages to add dimensions to the Edenic original.

How could Spanish or Swahili, that was spun off from the Language of Eden, possibly add anything to the Biblical Hebrew original?

Because there are sparks of holiness in every language.
Our job is to Gather the Sparks.

The brief exerpt:

1:24  (6:1)

Next, the Lord willed the evolution of more complex animal species,

both domesticated and wild, adapted to their habitat --

[just as sixth millennium humans would form states,

from agrarian to predatory nations]: so it had to be.

1:25 (6:2)

[Just as] the Lord developed the carnivorous and herbivorous, all species that roam the land: Then the Lord saw them completed in their habitat.

[The verb is notברא   BaRah, create from nothing, as in 1:1, 1:21 and 1:27, but עשה GHaSaH, made from existing matter, like Spanish hacer, manufactured.]

Archived posts, Edenics searches + web games:  
Edenics DVDs and most recent book: THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson