Friday, February 25, 2011


Life imitates art.  I was caught by Street Art photographer Lois Stavsky (3 mil. hits in LOISINWONDERLAND) at Columbus Circle in NYC last Weds.

The entry:


(PEGA)SUS      GHaPH + $OO$    Ayin-Phey + Samekh-Vav-Samekh

(GAPH)-SOOS     סוס  +  עף      [GH-P + SS = PGSS]                  ROOTS:  A) The "pega" element in PEGASUS, the winged horse of Greek mythology,  parallels Latin fuga (flight).

 Back at the "AVIATE" entry there are several such reversals of Edenic Ayin-Phey, עף GHahF or (the more “peg”-sounding) GHaPH  (to fly - Genesis 1:20.  G-PH flew over to PG in Pegasus. And the guttural-bilabial turnaround seems to appear in German vogel (bird) and Yiddish faigel (bird).

B)  The "sus" is no suffix (as "us" in Latin), but is an ancient "horse" term from the Middle East.  The  thick work-HORSE, from a different Edenic source, is taken up at “HORSE.”  The sleeker Arabian horse is so named for a joyous reason (see below).

 סוס$OO$ is a horse (Genesis 47:17). The Akkadian is sisu.


BRANCHES:   זוז ZOOZ means "move!" (Aramaic), related to זעזע  Z[E]eZ[A]h (agitation). Movement is what horses do best, and ponies do for  the sheer joy of movement .

שש  SahS is to rejoice – Deuteronomy 30:9).  Harkavy links  סוס $OO$, to leap, to frolic, to the Edenic horse.  This is confirmed by Polish sus (bound, leap, jump).

A student of language must ask why a double-fricative signifies a horse? If animal names don’t have meaning and display design, then Edenic is just another language.  Linking joy and movement, it is more than word-play to link  סוס  $oo$ (horse) and שוש SOOS (rejoice -- Isaiah 35:1; the noun is ששון SaSOAN – joy, Isaiah 35:10).  Only horses will run not to escape predators, but for play.

 Shin-Ayin-Shin-Ayin,  שעשע SH’[A]hSHoo[A]h is delight or pleasure (Psalms 19:77). 

B-Y defines it as delight, pleasure; toy.  Moving over to a reduplicated Tsadi-Ayin, צעצע TS[A]hTSoo[A]h is a plaything or toy  (carved ornament in II Chronicles 3:10) – the source of  the knick-knack (toy) word in Czech (chotske) and Yiddish (tsotskeh).

Double-fricative means joy and playing, and that which moves a rider-less horse.

 The word SYCE in India is a horse groom, officially borrowed from Arabic sus (to tend a horse). The more traveled Hebrew horse is the   רחשReKHeSH (fastmount, steed - I Kings 5:8). Switch the (K)H and the R to get HORSE.  More at “HORSE.” In one German horse word, Ross, the (K)H retained in Old High German hros is lost altogether. A second German horse is the Pferd - straight from פרד PeReD (mule - Zechariah 14:15).

In Exodus 14:23 is found both the  רחב ReKHeBH (rider or chariot - from a similar verb of riding) and the  פרש PaRaSH (horseman). Swahili prefers the latter, as farasi is their horse word. The former term may be preferred by the Japanese.  Japanese keeps the R and B, as roba is a donkey. Then, keeping the K and B of  רחב ReKHeBH  (mount – II Samuel 13:29), kiba means horseback.  As chariot or wagon, רחב  ReKHeBH (Judges 4:3) appears to be the source for the reindeer sleigh of the Saami (Lapp), reahka.

The MULE is an  R-to-L liquid shift from the חמור  [K]HaMOAR (ass - Genesis 22:3).  Anyone carrying something, especially smuggling drugs, may be called a MULE. Arabic hammal is a porter, clearly from the   חמור  [K]HaMOAR (donkey ) --  see “MARE.”

The MARE rides alongside her mixed-breed son, the MULE. (A simple Resh-to-L liquid shift is needed). The Chinese ma and Japanese uma are "horse" words that could also come from the MR (reversed) word רמך  RaMaKH (race horse or mare – Esther 8:10). Ernest Klein has this RM term also meaning a mule, the offspring of a mare and a he-ass.     See "KIBITZ"

A latter-day Pegasus is Barack  (no relation to Obama) the flying horse which flew Mohammed to Jerusalem from Mecca one night, according to the Quran, and on whose sturdy pinions rests the Moslem claim to Jerusalem.   
Archived posts, Edenics searches + web games:  
Edenics DVDs and forthcoming new edition of: THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as Proto-Earth, the original, pre-Babel human language program. See our many resources at -- incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson