Wednesday, December 1, 2010

CHINESE-from-EDENIC , part Five

CHINESE  (Mandarin) – EDENIC   (I,J,K)
[George Shen  and Kinneret Pau assisted with the Chinese, Fernando Aedo and Regina Werling with global cognates. (Key to dialect abbreviations to follow.)

Comments to project leader Isaac:]   

Chinese pictographs and definitions are from the Xinhua dictionary (X + page number). Page numbers will vary slightly, depending on the edition.
Letter Shift Codes:  Human words have only 7 anatomic sounds, as all music is from 7 notes.  All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W]
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS, X]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN (white).

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word   
N  Nasalize the word with an added N or M 

See “XYZ” is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations, sub-roots, engineered synonyms and antonyms, and more Semitic and world cognates.

Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel   ג= G,

Dalet = ד  D, Hey   ה= H, Vav  ו = V, OO or OA, Zayin ז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט   = DT, Yod   י = Y, Kahf כ,ך  K, Khaf = KH, Lamed   ל= L, Mem מ,ם  = M, Noon נ  = N, Samekh    ס = $, Ayin   ע = bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Pey פ,ף   = P,  Phey = PH or F, Zaddi   צ,ץ = TS (always read ST in European), Koof    ק = Q,   Raish  ר = R or WR, Shin   ש = SH, Sin = S, Tahf    ת = T, TH, or (S)

ORDER OF ENTRY:  Meaning      Chinese  pronunciation  traditional pictograph word  (simplified form when available)    page in Xinhua dictionary   guide to shifts, etc.    Edenic ultimate source in Hebrew, then transliteration    meaning of the Edenic   entry in e-word CD dictionary  and searchable wordbase.

 If no entry exists, a Biblical citation is added.
G.C. = sample of closer global cognates. 


I, me  yu /X789   -eeY suffix in past perfect is the the 1st person marker –see “I”

G.C.: ist person pronouns incl. Je (French), Ya (Russian), Yo (Spanish)


Identify with   tong X649(98)   ß N.  S-G  S-D    יחד  YaK[H]ahD,  this further proves that Yitro in Exodus 18:9 wasn’t “delighted” but was identifying, was in sympathy with Israel. – see “JUXTAPOSE”   VaYaK[H]eD Yitro, see “identify” above – not the mistranslation “delighted” see “together” and “unite”

  G.C.: Cantonese yatchai is together; yhta or yhden

  is "one" in Finnish. Ikut is to join in

  Indonesian. Ekataa is unity (Nepali).


Ignite, light   ran  X551 ß נור  NOOR, light, fire -- see “MINARET”

G.C.:  Aramaic NOORAh (fire) and NaHoR (light); Arabic nahar, day time…when it is light;   Korean nal, day (light time);  Modern Greek ime’ra (day);  Mohawk “dawn” : rhen.


Illness, ailment  ying  X750   M312   נגע NeG[A]h, afflict, infect, plague  

       --see “NOXIOUS”  See Infection  below.


Infant, newborn baby  yang  () X773 , also yong X779, a pupa יונק YOANaiQ, suckling – see “YOUNG” See Baby and Child A and B above.


Infection,  a festering carbuncle on the skin  yong ()  M312  נגע NeG[A]h,  infection,  plague .   See “NOXIOUS.”  See Illness above.

G.C.: Latin noxa (injury, hurt, damage).


Interiority   bian  X37 perform acupuncture (PIN),  bian  X38 bury פנים PiNeeYM,   interior -- see “PENETRATE” and “POINT”

G.C.:  mba, inside (Bantu: Kibosho). The Greek name PENELOPE means “needle.”

Sumerian apin is a plow

Island      yu 
(屿)  X790   ß  אי  EeY, island -- see “ISLAND”

G.C.:  Iw, (pronounced ioo) is an island (Egyptian)


Judge  tuan  X658  S-D  דון  DOON  to judge.   See DEAN and DEEM at “DAMN”

and LAW below.

    G.C.:  Dumbuo, judge (Bantu: Kibosho).

    Tham is to try or judge in Vietnamese

Juice     shen X583,  zhi 
  ß  S-F S-N     מיץ MeeYTS, juice, extract -- see “MOIST”

G.C.:  Sona, juice that exudes from plants (Dravidian: Te). German most is fruit juice.

Kindness    ren
  X553   S-N    רחם   Ra[K]HeM, to be kind – see “MERCY”


G.C.:  The Finnish "mercy" is armo.  “Kindness” words with liquid-nasal include Hungarian kerem (“please”) and French merci (“thank you”).


Know, understand   dong X138  דע  DGHa, know (imper.). ידע  YoDayGHa, to know  -- see “IDEA”  and “ORTHODOX

G.C.:  The Indo-European “root” tong is to think.

          Ootaj, know (Mayan: Jacaltec).

Here at Bathurst Street, 'Tronto
 Hanuakah latkas are going like hotcakes.

Archived posts, Edenics searches + web games:  
Edenics DVDs and most recent book: THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson