Monday, September 27, 2010

Sukkot and Sevens

Sukkot  סכות  or Tabernacles is an international festival.

Four species of plants are waved to the Four Winds (directions), as the most despised people in history are praying for the prosperity of all peoples everywhere.

But 4s are overshadowed by 7s in this festive week.

 70 bulls were sacrificed for the 70 ur-nations (and language families) after Babel, which devolved into our 6000  dialects  of today.

These 70 are listed  in Genesis 10, while they were generated in
Genesis 11.   Yes, there are flashbacks.   The Hebrew Bible  follows Theo-logic, not chrono-logic.

 Follow the 70  theme in Deuteronomy 8:32... "when the Supreme One gave the nations their inheritance, when the sons of Adam were separated [from their one language of Eden], established in borders, according to the number of the sons of Israel."

What number?  The 70 of Genesis 46: 27.   Seventy Israelites, in a very stylized count, go down to Egypt, to the primeier Diaspora to engage the outside world.

In a symbolic way the Torah is proudly tying the Hebrews with The Seventy (the Nations).

 This Israel-Nations formula is deepened by the 70 in Numbers 33:9. There is a mysterious 70 palms trees nurtured by 12 springs of water.

Is there a field where Hebrews did not do any irrigation:  (religion, law, medicine, science, literature, art, music, language...)

Ah, language.  Where the 70- from-one -began,  70 ur-nations or  language groups ,
 back at Shinar or Sumer... referenced as the Tower of the later "Babel" ...
with many human words still traceable to their pre-Hebrew or Edenic  שרש SHoResH (root or  SouRCe.      (

Edenics research finds that the world only has seven different letters: voiceless vowels, lip-made bilabials, throat-made gutturals, dentals made with the tooth ridge, tongue-made liquids, nose-made nasals and the whistling fricatives or sibilants.

Using this seven allows us to find the original ONE.  Language will be key to getting the world on the same page of revelation, says Zephania 3:9.

The prophetic readings for the Sukkot week are also focused on the Nations.
There are Evil Empires who will lead a U.N. against Jerusalem.  Ezekiel 39 tells the president of Mesheck (Moscow):  "No Mr. Kruschev, it is WE who will bury YOU."

Zachariah 14:17 predicts that many nations will come to Jerusalem every Sukkot
to celebrate our one Creator.


Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson