Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Forbidden Idolatry in Washington, D.C.

"Lost Tribe" theorists hate Edenics, because it proves that EVERY HUMAN SPEAKER is a lost Hebrew. Their strongest "evidence" is with words -- then we burst their bubble by showing that Australian Aborigines or Eskimos have a word of similar sound and sense.

I gladly postpone any planned posts, when an interesting email comes in. One came today from a Facebook friend who now lives 2 miles away: Wendy Cohen.

She sent a video with claims that the Japanese are a lost tribe of Israel. In particular, those who make the case for some kind of historical contact between ancient Israelites and pre-Shinto Japanese like to point out that HASHIRA is a deified tree log. This is strikingly similar the tree worship אשרה ASHeRaH reviled by biblical prophets.

"Hashira" is now defined as Japanese for a column or pillar. That's OK. Primitive columns or pillars were tall trees or tree logs. A straight, verticle column or pillar is from שורה SHOORaH, column or row. See the "SERIS" entry.

High and straight structures like obelisks were deified in Ancient Egypt, and are still venerated in cities like London and Washington, D.C. We may know understand the ASHeRaH tree worsip as basically an ancient, natural obelisk or high tower. The limbs of the tall tree may have been trimmed off, so that it was more like a phallic obelisk than the X-mas tree that have come from rituals of the Druids.

I was able to add "hashira" to both the "SERIES" entry, and to the entry which follows:

ASH (TREE) AySHe)L( Aleph-Shin-Lamed

ROOTS: From Old English oesc, the ASH tree is leafy and sturdy. אשל AySHeL is a Biblical shade tree (Genesis 21:33), usually thoght to be a tamarisk (which is a date palm — see "TAMARISK").

In I Samuel 22:6 the אשל AySHeL is "on the height" like a mountain ASH tree. The vowel-fricative Edenic tree root is grounded by עץ [A]yTS, tree, wood or timber (Genesis 2:9).

BRANCHES: אשוח ASHOOa[K]H is a fir tree. The אשל AySHeL, tamarisk tree, that Abraham planted in Genesis 21:33 (a symbol for the Jewsih people that Abraham founded), would grow, against all odds, to be a mightier tree or empire than ASSYRIA - אשור ASHOOR being their god of empire and symbol of expansiveness. The region was full of sacred trees or אשרה ASHeRaH worship . Ashera worship, denounced by biblical prophets, is a Phoenician-Assyrian rite identified with Astarte. (Fundamentalist Christians are right to disdain the Christmas tree as a pagan object of veneration.) ASAK is a sacred East Indian tree, from the Dravidian (Southern. India) seen below.

Abraham's grandson אשר ASHER (good fortune) has the tribal symbol of a wide, spreading tree.

In German, Esche is an ash tree, from אשל AySHeL, while Holtz, wood is from עץ [A]iTS , wood, tree. While the words from עץ [A]yTS more often mean “wood” than a “tree” around the world, there is a forest of vowel-fricative trees to consider:

Brazilian assai palm tree
Cherokee atzina tree
Chinese uhs tree (reversing shu, tree, typical for Asian languages)
German Esche ash tree
Hindi asok sacred tree Igbo/Nigeria osisi tree, wood, stick
Latvian uozol oak tree
Mohawk ehsa ash tree Polish os(h) axle-tree
Sanscrit asoka sacred tree
Sumarian asa, az myrtle tree
asal, asar poplar tree
Turkish aayas tree More vowel-fricative trees at entries like “LUTE” and “TREE.”

Posted from just inside my porch in Sefat, facing two pines.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson