Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When future Europeans left Shinar/Sumer (the later Babel) many of them thought "bitter" for sea water (not sweet or drinkable). So their word for sea or ocean is a form of מר MahR (bitter), like MARINE or MARitime.

Other new clans, together because they spoke the same spin-off of the Edenic language, thought of different (Edenic) words when they coined words for water or bodies of water.

The water-vodka group were thinking "wet" -- so they chose a form of רטב RaDToש(V), wet. The large aqua-agua group were so scientific as to think of water finding its level. Level or line is קו QahV. מקוה
miQVeH is a pool or pooling of water.

All words for various properties or bodies of water are legitimate and MEANINGFUL (if one traces that meaning back to Edenic.)

The academic establishment thinks that words are meaningless, evolved chimp chatter. The only meanings to these signals are what we assign them.

Truth has lost every bowl game since The Age of Reason. But here in the Information Age Darwinist "reason" is going to be buried by data and stats.

I got some new data about a diferent Edenic word that gave rise to water words.

Now an improved "NAVY" entry in our dictionary/word base provides more weapons in the struggle to beat the army of coincidence-criers:

NAVY Nay[V]eKH Noon-Bhet-Kahf
ROOTS: Contemplating a NAVAL fleet (of ships) can recall the NAVEL depression in mid-abdomen. A boat or ship, navis in Latin, is also hollowed out. A boat in water sits in a depression, an area lower than sea level… like the NAVE of a church (see below). N-V may not be about boats.
Nonetheless, the given so-called "Indo-European root” of NAVAL and NAVIGATE is nau-2 (boat). This is based soley on Latin navis, boat. The Greek “boat” and “sailor” words do not have N-V. The many N-V words below reinforce the theory that the N-V of NAVY is about the water, and not the boat above it. נבוב Na[V](OO[V]) is hollow (Jeremiah 52:21), while נבך Nai[V]eKH means "depth (of the sea)" - Job 38:16. נבע NaBH[A]h is “to bubble forth, pour forth, flow” (Harkavy – Proverbs 18:4).
BRANCHES: The Noon-Bhet Edenic etymons explain words like NAVIGABLE as first about the water, and only later about boating conditions.
Two separate IE “roots" are given to NAVEL and NAVAL. IE “root” nobh, the root for NAVEL, is defined as a "central knob" - just the opposite of the "point of depression" we also find on the NAVEL ORANGE. (Perhaps the lexicographer has an "outsy" rather than an "insy" belly button.)
The IE “root” for NAVY, nau (boat) – reminds us that U and V were often the same. When chiseling in stone, Us were always made into Vs.
Edenics often takes issue with alleged “cognates” listed by the American Heritage Dictionary. At least it is amusing and appropriate for land lubbers that NAUSEA is a listed cognate of NAVIGATE. Other alleged cognates listed are NACELLE, NAUTICAL, NAUTILUS, NAVICULAR and NOISE.
The NAVE of a church is the main space (or hollow) between the aisles. The Old French source of NAVE is shanghaied to serve aboard the Latin navis (ship).
As for Nasal-Dental NAUTICAL words, there is נוט NOADT (to navigate, steer) and נוד Noon-Vav-Dalet (to “wander” -- Genesis 4:12) . This is used for the long flying of birds of Proverbs 26:2.

Leading Edenicist Fernando Aedo pooled together many N-V words (nasal-bilabial or nose and lip-made words) that indicate that this root is about water, not boats

Algonquin (Amerind) nibi = water. Gondi (Dravidian/India) pon = to flow, spill
Gujarati (Dravidian/India) na_mvu [nasalized] = to pour, spill
Miami (Amerind) nape = water. Mohegan-Pequot (Amerind) nuppe = water
Pali (Dravidian/India) n.ava = sea, ocean
Sioux-Fox (Amerind) neppe = water
Sumerian (extinct) nab = river, sea. Tamil (Dravidian/India) pun-ai [reverse] = water, flood, river
Tzotsil (Mayan) nab = the sea or ocean.
Yagua (Amazonian) nava = the Amazon or any river, sea or ocean.

This missive fired from Sderot

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson